
So, what’s this whole healthy thing all about anyways? Well, it’s complicated, but to give you an overview, I’ve listed some of the basic principles that influence my lifestyle and my recipes.


  1. Not one lifestyle fits all, that’s why there are so many philosophies and diets out there, yet each have their success stories. It is about finding what is sustainable for you. It also requires a time commitment, you can’t give something just a few weeks and determine it’s not working. Change takes time.
  2. Water is essential. It helps you feel full and is vital to all our bodily functions. Get a reusable water bottle and take it everywhere you go. If you find water boring try adding some fruit, herbs, or essential oils and drink up!
  3. Balance macro-nutrients. Everyone needs a different breakdown of fat, carbs, and protein, and it takes time to find what works best for you, but if you are just starting to experiment with healthy eating my recommendation would be to research 30-30-40 diets. I’ve seen this be hugely successful and it is pretty easy to implement.
  4. Lean protein and veggies. As I mentioned, there are countless diets out there, but very few nutritionists would argue that lean proteins and vegetables aren’t good for you. Eat up!
  5. Limit added sugar. We all like our sweets here and there, but why not indulge with natural sweeteners instead? Refined and artificial sugars cause weight gain, disease, inflammation, and countless other problems. It isn’t worth it!
  6. Limit packaged and processed foods. It seems like not a day goes by without a new study finding certain man-made ingredients are harming our body in one way or another. However, clean and natural food sources are rarely detrimental, so try to fill your diet with wholesome ingredients as much as possible.
  7. Small meals, often. Avoid spikes in blood sugar, cravings, and binge eating by spreading your meals out throughout the day. It helps keep your metabolism running at a steady rate.
  8. Awareness. Take the guess work out of your diet by tracking your food consumption, even if it’s just for one week. I suggest using an app, food scale, and measuring cups to see how much you truly eat and what the nutrient breakdown is. This was an eye-opening exercise for me and I would highly recommend it to anyone searching for a healthier lifestyle.
  9. All things in moderation. There’s no need to deprive yourself of anything. Instead work on building self-control by allowing yourself a bite or two of that delicious treat. You can defeat FOMO and be healthy at the same time!
  10. Meal Prep. When we plan ahead we are less likely to make impulsive decisions and can take the time to determine what we truly want to fuel our bodies with. Meal-prep is key. Going out to eat with friends? No problem. Look at the menu ahead of time and make a thoughtful decision.


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